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Is it Hard to Find an Accounting Job in Australia?

  • Posted 07 Sep 2024
  • Richard Holmes
  • Article

The short answer: It depends.

While the Australian accounting job market can be competitive, there are still opportunities for skilled professionals. However, the landscape has evolved significantly due to factors such as technological advancements, economic fluctuations, and increased competition from global talent.

Key Challenges and Considerations:

1. Technological Advancements:

Automation and AI are reshaping the accounting industry. This means increased demand for skills like data analytics, financial modelling, and familiarity with enterprise resource planning (ERP) systems. Accountants who have yet to upskill in these areas may find it harder to stand out.

As the Australian Financial Review pointed out, many accounting graduates need more practical experience and technology skills, which employers now expect. It’s no longer enough to rely solely on academic qualifications; you need hands-on experience and adaptability in today’s fast-evolving market.

2. Economic Fluctuations:

Economic downturns can create hiring freezes or even job cuts in sectors like real estate or manufacturing, where accountants play a key role. But not all industries are affected equally. As some sectors shrink, others—like tech and sustainability—are expanding, providing new opportunities for accountants who are flexible and willing to pivot.

3. Increased Competition:

The accounting profession continues to attract a high number of graduates, intensifying competition, especially for entry-level roles. Experienced positions also see stiff competition as professionals look to advance or switch jobs. Standing out in this crowded field requires more than technical skills—it demands excellent communication, problem-solving, and the ability to demonstrate business value.

4. Changing Skill Requirements:

Employers are increasingly seeking candidates who bring more than traditional accounting knowledge. Beyond technical expertise, soft skills such as adaptability, communication, and problem-solving are becoming essential. As the profession continues to evolve, accountants who can integrate these soft skills with cutting-edge technology are highly sought after.

Opportunities for Success:

Despite the challenges, there are still ways to carve out a successful career in accounting in Australia in 2024:

1. Specialisation:

Focusing on niche areas such as forensic accounting, taxation, or sustainability accounting can set you apart from the crowd. Employers often look for specialists who bring added value and expertise to complex issues. If you can master these fields, you become a valuable asset.

2. Continuous Learning:

Staying current with industry trends, regulatory changes, and emerging technologies is crucial. Being proactive about learning—whether through certifications, courses, or industry events—can help you remain relevant and competitive.

3. Networking:

Building strong relationships within the industry remains critical. Networking doesn’t just mean meeting people at events; it also involves maintaining an active online presence. Engaging with the accounting community on platforms like LinkedIn can open doors to new opportunities.

4. Online Presence:

A strong online profile, including an updated LinkedIn presence, can set you apart. Many employers and recruiters now look at your online footprint as part of their hiring process. Use this space to showcase your skills, share insights, and connect with potential employers.

Tips for a Successful Job Search:

1. Tailor Your Resume:

Each job application should be customised to highlight your relevant skills and experiences. This simple but effective strategy can help you stand out to hiring managers.

2. Practice Interviewing:

Interviews can make or break your job search. Prepare by practicing common interview questions and developing clear, confident responses that showcase your value.

3. Be Persistent:

The job market can be tough, and landing a role may take time. Stay positive and persistent throughout your job search. Persistence, along with continuous learning, will pay off.


Finding an accounting job in Australia in 2024 isn’t impossible, but it does require adaptability, a proactive mindset, and in-demand skills. The market may be competitive, but with specialisation, continuous learning, networking, and a strong online presence, you can position yourself for success.


By staying informed about industry trends, building on both your technical and soft skills, and remaining persistent in your job search efforts, you can secure a rewarding and sustainable career in accounting.



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